Every Dog in Atlanta Needs a Spa Day
Every Dog Needs a Spa Day! Dog spa days are a surprisingly great way to help your pet! The stress of the last year just melts away. A soothing mud bath, a blueberry facial, moisturizer, and a beautiful pawdicure.
Many studies have shown that our dogs have increased behavioural issues during the pandemic. While nipping and biting seemed to decline, clinginess, barking, and whining all increased.
Some of the increased behaviours may be because we weren’t home to see them, but others are definitely the need for attention.
Our dogs have gone from us being at work, to being home, to being at work. Their schedules and their lives have been turned upside down. Their pack is not stable and they are often upset by the change.
You may wonder how you can help them unwind. Well, any day is a good day for a dog spa day in Atlanta and now is a time when the stress relief will benefit both you and your best friend.
Many skin conditions are caused by stress in dogs. Obsessive licking can cause blemishes and irritation. Start with a soothing mud bath to help alleviate any hot spots or other conditions The "mud" is applied all over the body and then massaged in for 10-15 min.
Dogs' faces tend to hold smells. Bulldogs with their wrinkles, Poodles with their curly hair, all can trap bacteria giving your hand the smell of, well, dog. Blueberry facials will kill the bacteria, and since it’s lick safe, your pooch won’t get sick.
Nails, fur (or hair), and skin are all part of the pampering. Specialists use dremel to grind the nails so they don’t go into the quick and then they can apply “pawlish” to help your dog feel more beautiful. Dematting will get the lumps of fur close to the skin detangled and deshedding will get the dead fur off of your dog so it doesn’t end up on your sofa.
End the day with a minty fresh canine brushing. Because your dog is going to kiss you for the pampering you’ve given them.
Whether you are staying home with your dog or you have gone back to the office, set up a day for self care and call our staff to set up a special spa day for your dog. You can pick and choose from our menu to customize the day your dog will love to have. You will both come home relaxed and refreshed. You deserve it.